After months of using my Rangefinder, i realised that my little 35mm Classic Color skopar lens stays for the longest on it. I love to bring this little skopar classic out to the streets and i felt so comfortable with it's range that if i could only shoot with just 1 lens, this would be the one.
It was only last week when i had a little thought about upgrading my 35mm lens since i am using it so often. I love this lens and it was the first lens that i bought and used on my R2A. But somehow, I wanted something that allows me the flexibility to shoot under low light, something that offers me a shallow depth of field. I wanted something that wasn't too expensive to upgrade from my existing.
So i started a thread in a local forum and asked for advice and recommendations. Along came this highly recommended lens, Voigtlander Ultron 35mm f1.7. The good thing was, the pictures shown in flickr taken from this lens got me really excited and i decided to find a copy of this lens.
However, i was told that it has been discontinued from production and what was left in the market was highly sought after.
Testing my luck, i placed a WTB in the forum and just 2 days after from the post, Jon (nick: Jomanjiro) contacted me with a copy of the lens to release.
As it was my first time buying lens from overseas, i tend to be a little cautious. I sought some advice from some of my friends on the pricing and things to look out for etc and all these while, Jon was really nice to wait for my reply.
When i confirmed the deal, he even revised the EMS shipping cost downwards ,accordingly to the rates, and kept me updated on the status of the parcel till i received it.
It was really enjoyable experience dealing with him, especially when this was my first time buying from an overseas seller.
Just 3 days from the deal, i received the parcel.
Tightly sealed. I had a hard time opening the parcel even with a pen knife..haha

Cushions for the lens in the box.

Another layer of wrapper.

Ermm this came as a little surprise for me as i didnt really thought that the original box was included or i didnt pay attention to the correspondence..haha

And finally the lens!!! (He even throw in a free LTM to M adapter)

It was somehow above my expectation for the conditions of the lens.
This was what Jon showed me when he first messaged me. He highlighted to me a few times on the imperfect physical appearance of this lens which i wasn't really particular.
*pics from Jon
When i saw the actual lens, it wasn't really that bad. You might need to really magnify to see the scratches clearly which proved that he took the picture of the lens with a really good macro lens.
The lens was light and i initially thought it was going to be another 50mm lens alike from the picture.

The lens was as per described in a very good condition. No scratches, no fungus no dust in the glass!
I eagerly mounted it on my R2A immediately!

And while others are collecting leica, i managed to get an all black voigtlander classic lenses for my rangefinder!

Once again, thanks Jon for the great services and the lens. Can't wait to bring it out for a shoot!